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Skill Development Programs for Kids at School

 We all know the importance of academics in life. There is often a preconceived notion that only the students who do well in school can transition into adulthood and achieve success in life. The academic success of accomplishing the learning and gaining knowledge of a particular subject. It is often believed that academic success is necessary for developing employability skills. The teacher at various schools often monitors the students' progress and helps them learn about their impact on student learning

There are many schools across the country, but the best CBSE school in ChennaiBy combining the achievement and growth, the educators get a complete picture of the student learning. This way, they can ensure that every child is a graduate ready. A famous author once said, 'Education is important, but skill is the most important.' Apart from academic success, it is also important to develop and polish your skills at a very young age, for a nation needs skilled individuals with ignited minds that can contribute to the country's workforce.

CBSE School in Chennai

Life skills are nothing but a set of basic rules gained through enhanced learning and practicing. The skills learned through the Skill development programs help the individuals tackle various issues and problems.

 The best CBSE Schools are in Chennai, and the skill development programs include the following-

1.      Collaboration across networks

The process of collaboration is a recursive one. The very meaning of collaboration is working with others to produce an idea, project, product, policy, or procedure. Collaboration is where two or more people work towards some goals by sharing knowledge and building consensus. A collaboration produces leaders and encourages creativity.


2.      Finding new and innovative ways of problem-solving ability

It is very important to teach such habits to students to help them look at problems from a holistic approach. There will be times when students would need to think beyond comprehension. It would require them to apply critical and analytical skills.


3.      Agility and adaptability

Agility is the willingness to learn from certain experiences in life. These experiences are also applied successfully to new situations. Adaptability is the ability to change under certain circumstances. The two concepts go hand in hand together, and school is the first institution where a student learns to adapt and change himself.


4.      Initiative and Entrepreneurship

There will be times when a student might require to get out of his comfort zone. There will be times when he would require leadership in certain situations and tasks, be it a sports event or a group debate. The way he handles a situation determines how skilled they can get. Many schools keep certain programs to help the children grow their business acumen. Some workshops/science projects will help the student develop their business acumen. These workshops are entrepreneurship-based workshops carried out by the expert faculty at school. Entrepreneurship is the extraction of value, and it is the process of setting up a particular business. A businessman is often seen as an innovator.


5.      Oral and written effective communication

It is very important to have excellent written and oral communication skills. The corporate culture needs bold, confident and outspoken employees. The seeds of it are being sewn into the children when they are young. The children are groomed in the school accordingly to blend easily into the corporate culture.


6.      Working as a part of the team

It is very important to work in a team to apply individual perspectives and skills to solve a complex problems.


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